Purushottam Maas Katha

This Katha was relayed to Narad Muni by Shri Narayan and details the origins and significance of Purushottam Maas.

Shri Narayan begins by telling us of the month of Purushottam, whose master is the Lord Purushottam. Through prayer and fasting in the month of Purushottam, Lord Purushottam is pleased.

Narad Muni says – “My Lord, I have heard of the greatness of Chaitra and other such months, but never of this Purushottam month. My Lord, what is this month? Bestow your benevolence upon me by telling me such a story that one can be freed from disease, sorrow and faults.”

Shri Narayan told Narad Muni that this same question had once been posed to Shri Krishna by Arjun of the Pandavas, and he responded thusly:

“Chaitra and other such months, the pakshas, hours, yaam, triyaam, seasons, muhurata, the north-and south-bound passages of the Sun, years, ages, the rivers, oceans, trees, plants, villages, cities, mountains, etc. Are all idols and deserving of worship due to their own qualities.

However, amongst these there is one who is unworthy and without a master.

At one time, people would call Adhik Maas orphaned, ownerless, unworthy, bereft of the Sun’s sign change (Ravi Sankranti-heen), etc. Despite its good deeds, it was condemned and abandoned. After listening to such words of insult, Adhik Maas became grieved and listless, eventually reaching such a state where he wished to die. Somehow, he steeled his heart and brought himself to my shelter in Vaikunth Dhaam.

Adhik Maas prostrated himself before me, broken in spirit, and upon seeing me his eyes filled with tears.

He said – “Oh Lord, oh Merciful one, I have come seeking your refuge. The others all disrespect me and call me dirty. They say I am masterless and have renounced me for auspicious deeds. Oh Saviour of the Poor, why do you not protect me, the refugee, like the countless others you have protected?” Adhik Maas wept and sat, dirty-faced, before the Lord of the World.

The Ocean of Mercy, Shri Hari then said – “Oh child, you are very mournful. What is this great grief that troubles you? Cast aside your grief now, I will undoubtedly release you from this mourning. Any individual who comes into my refuge does not have sorrow, so why do you wish for death?”

Upon hearing such words from Shri Narayan, Adhik Maas replied – “My Lord, you pervade the whole world like the sky, so what is hidden from you? You are omnipresent and omniscient, without form or aspect – you reside in every individual, and all resides within you. Moments, muhuratas, days, nights, the other months – they are all engrossed in boundless joy after receiving orders from their respective masters. But I do not have a master, nor a name and no one is dependent upon me. This is why all the other gods disrespect me and forbid me from participating in auspicious tasks. After such disrespect, I only wish to die.”

Again and again, Adhik Maas repeated this and fell calmly before Shri Hari.

Shri Vishnu was filled with compassion on seeing the state of Adhik Maas and first gave a signal to Garuda to revive the unconscious Adhik Maas by fanning him with his wings. When Adhik Maas returned to consciousness, he said – “Lord, I have come to your shelter, do not abandon me!”

Shri Hari replied – “Oh child, do not dwell now on these thoughts! I have a solution to your sorrows – come with me to Goloka where Murli Manohar, Bhakt Vatsal Shri Krishna sits among the Gopis. That Shri Krishna is the remover of sorrows, he will help you.”

Speaking thusly, Shri Narayan held the hands of Adhik Maas and they travelled to Goloka Dhaam.

Shri Vishnu slowly entered Goloka with Adhik Maas, and came to bow before Bhagwan Purushottam, Shri Krishna. Shri Hari sang of the glory of Shri Krishna and then ascended a jewelled throne.

On seeing the bowed and trembling Adhik Maas, Shri Krishna asked – “Who is this and where did he come from to Goloka? What is the reason for his weeping?”

Shri Hari recited the sorry tale of Adhik Maas, explaining that he is nameless and masterless, considered impure and discarded. He explained how Adhik Maas came to seek refuge with him. Shri Hari said to Shri Krishna – “No one but you can remove this great sorrow. That is why I have left behind my many tasks to come before you, so grant success upon this visit.”

Shri Purushottam said – “Oh Vishnu, you have done the right thing by bringing Adhik Maas to me. Whoever you have accepted into your keeping, I have also accepted. Now I will make him like myself – all of my qualities, fame, experience, prowess, power, etc. for which I am known as Purushottam, this month will also be known by the same name. I myself will become the master of this month.

Through this name, the world will be purified, and because of my likeness this month will be known as the ruler of all months. All those who worship this month will be free from sorrow and poverty. Other months are successful but I have made this month like myself – the giver of salvation and selfless. The person who worships this month will undoubtedly obtain attain salvation and find me.

Purushottam Maas has found me without toil or suffering – those who worship it will also attain this post without suffering or death. One who worships Purushottam Maas with method and devotion will find me for themselves and their family. Once I am attained, they will be freed from the cycle of birth and death, half-life, disease and old age.

I love the worship of my devotees and do not delay in fulfilling their wishes. The devotees of this month will be even more beloved for me, and I will fulfill their wishes sooner.

Those who are surrounded by ignorance, who not recite mantras or perform charity, who do not do good deeds and who go against the gods and holy places – they will never be happy and will be unfortunate. Those foolish ones who neglect Purushottam Maas, who do not perform religious work in it – they will go to Kumbhipaka Narak.

Those who worship Purushottam Maas attain great wealth, lineage, amass good deeds and enjoy greatness – they will ultimately attain this Goloka Dhaam of mine.”

So spoke Shri Krishna, known also as Shri Purushottam – and hearing his words, Adhik Maas was filled with joy. He left Goloka Dhaam with Shri Vishnu and returned to Vaikunth Dhaam.

Purushottam Maas was given a place in Vaikunth Dhaam, as a resident of the heavens and lord over all months.”


Purushottam (Adhik) Maas